Everything you need to start an orphan ministry

Get Plugged In to Orphan Ministries Worldwide!

Have you considered starting an orphan ministry? You may feel overwhelmed, but we're here to help. As mentioned recently on Focus on the Family, Warm Blankets Orphan Care International is an organization dedicated to caring for orphans, and our model works.

You and your church can take advantage of resources that are already in place.

· Funding

· Construction

· Multi-media presentations

· Existing opportunities

· Child development

· Donor appreciation plans

· Youth ministry involvement

· Mission trip availability

· Service Projects

· Orphan rescue operations

· Caregiver training

· Online support programs

· In-country accountability

· Prayer program sign-up sites

· Speakers

· Communications

· Technology

· And more.

If you'd like us to contact you about participating in orphan ministry, please take a minute to fill out the form below.

First Name*
Last Name*
*required fields
Are you a church staff member in a church in the USA? Yes No

How can Warm Blankets and other partners be of help to you?

Multimedia to show in your church
Matching Funds for home construction
Mission trips to visit Orphan homes
Pray for an Orphan program
Service projects for orphans
Receive information on orphan rescue
Schedule a speaker at your church
Visit the Warm Blankets office

Thank you!

Warm Blankets Orphan Care International
Christian Service Charity
ECFA member
Highest Charity Rating